So how is everyone? Things here in the Philippines are crazy at the time being. I guess new years is a much bigger deal then Christmas because everyone is out doing stuff and selling fireworks but i think ill try to stay away from the fireworks for the time being. This last week was so buisy with xmas and all but its ok. Plus the zone leader left early to be home for new years so i am now holding on to the cellphone and all the problems that come with it. It is hard being the District and zone leader at the same time. Im way happy at the time being because i dont think i will be transfered this next transfer. I requested to president that i would like to stay here one more transfer to see my baptisms before i go and be a zone leader some where else. When i told some of the people with baptism dates that i might have to leave they cried and it kind of hurt my feelings so i made that request and i think it will be granted. We have 8 people who are supposed to be baptized in January all of which ive got to seen progress from day one of their teaching so im hoping to get to watch them all the way through baptism. We are teaching these two little girls who are way cute, i want to bring them home with me. I gave them a reading assignment in one of our pamphlets and then on the follow up i asked her what she understood about repentance and she gave me a better answer then anyone ive ever heard, like better then most members and for sure better then my understanding before i went on a mission and she is only 12 years old. Basically everything is going good im just stressed at the time being but once they get a new zone leader here ill be good again. I got lots of ideas for this next transfer to help the work progress so im excited to start January and try some new stuff. well i better run.
Elder thompson
Bryce with his new sword