Monday, August 18, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hey everyone!

How is everyone back in the USA? All i keep hearing is that America is going down the crapper. Everyone is losing jobs, gas is expensive as well as food and gays are now aloud to get married! I will be totally honest, i miss America but im way scared to go home. By the way i got my plane tickets now, even though its far away it starting to seem a little bit closer. I fly into cali on January 15th at 2:05pm. im not sure about what time i get into Arizona. Im scared! Well i was realizing that i never tell anyone about the people im teaching so maybe ill try to give a better update. So this week started out good. On monday we had a FHE with some member and after ward they fed us some really good food. We also taught the police again at there camp. There was like 60 police officers there and it went way good. I set up a power point presentation for my district president and he did the talking while i just sat back and pushed the bottons. It was way cool and they really liked it we talked about agency and stuff. Also we had some amazing progression with our investigators. So we have some little girls that we are teaching and they are so shy, especially to my new companion and they wouldnt pray for a long time. My companion kind of talks.......... i dont know how to say it in english but when he talks its easy to be offended so the little girls dont like him that much. The good thing though is this week we joked around with them enough to where things got a little bit more comfortable. They prayed and are doing a lot better. We also are teaching this awesome family with 10 kids. One of the kids got sick so we went to visit him in the hospital and they were sitting as a family reading the book of mormon and they had the handouts we gave them displayed in their window at the hospital. So i was way excited about that. There was just a lot of good progression this week. Also one of the kids we are going to baptize on aug 30 said that he wants to be baptized so he can serve a mission and he is about to be 18 so that would be way cool. Also our zone here out in masbate is doing awesome. Im way excited to be in this zone right now. I requested to my mission president to stay out here one more transfer. Im hoping to stay out here till october then go to a new area(my last area!). Time is going by fast. I love the people we are teaching out here and there is still so much potential here, thats why i would hate to be transferred. I started exercising as well because i cant go home looking like all i did is ate a ton of food on my mission. Everything is going good and im happy to hear that my grandma is doing good. Well i love you all and hope you the best.

elder thompson

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